Saturday 25 July 2015

zimbabwean music not going global... who is to blame?

Zimbabwean music not going global... Who is to blame? 
That is just one of the questions people ask amongst themselves and some people just have to let it out #freedomtoexpressyourself. Recently Zimbabweans on social media have been exchanging words and this is all because none of our own was nominated for the MTV African Music Awards and yes most people in the industry are wondering why? 
As a community are we supposed to blame each other the artists/singers (coz yes some of these people haven't worked hard enough to be called an artist) the producers the djs or is it the fans fault. There is loads of Zimbabweans doing work for outside people (non zimbo) underground aren't those the same people who should be giving advice to us on how to improve and step forward to live the dream! 

Tynie: we are not slacking, yeh I do agree with Nox Guni with some of his points that we need an original beat, don't get me wrong what we are doing now is hot but just for us. KillerT just dropped to me and others the hottest album of the's zimdancehall it's inspirational it's calm but that's just me. Maskiri in 2014 did a song with a Jamaican singer Meliah called amai kani which Moe Makaya featured on that was good and he just did another one with Keisha White a lot of criticism on social media yes I would say it's not an amazing song but he's opening doors, these kind of artists start on something and working together as one it can be made so perfect it's about communicating interacting and being humble. 
I was a dj on radio and I still will be (watch out for that) in the time I was doing that I noticed you have to have a link a connection to the singers to actually get hold of their music I mean I thought I was promoting my own and trying to put them on a next level but it seemed like I was the only one bothered. Then you turn around and say we don't support... but back to the point! 
Zimbabwean music there is no one to blame because we didn't get something the big reward is coming but it comes with hard work, we are on our way there and already the first step was recognising where we going wrong! I wish everyone in the industry all the best and don't be corky because you got on a plane to England and performed for a full house, stay focused and yes we will hate but take all that and use it to make yourself better, when your fellow artists make something good don't be afraid to hunger for the same thing and make it even better. Do not under estimate people, that one person you turning your back on is probably the one whose got all the answers to your success. About 2 years ago Tinashe was a special guest at the ZAA did you think she was going to be making headlines alonside Beyonce, Drake, Usher etc but shes there aint she? 

Zvinhu zvacho hazvisi zvekumhaya... kumhanyira kumedza kutsenga uchada! Our time will come as long as we unite and we true to ourselves and we are humble. Ungajahi!!!

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