Tuesday 16 September 2014


When many people hear the name ninja kid it is easily related to Maninja and the Ninja president Winky D. Although the name is familiar within the ZimDanceHall circles ninja who was born Shelton Jack Masvii on 1st July 1994 and is the last born in the family of 5. He grew up in Chitungwiza which is known as the heart of ZimDanceHall in Zimbabwe which has also produced artists such as Guspy Warrior and Dadza D.

He burst on to the scene in 2012 and has not stopped with many hit songs like Ndofira Kureva, Hatiende Kumba and Ndini Ninja Kid Wacho. ZimDanceHall is a competitive industry in a small market and Ninja has held his own by impressing crowds with his lyrical talent and stage presence. He made his way onto the ZimDanceHall arena with singles and appearances in the Zimbo Flavour, Demolition, and Diffusion riddim medleys. Since the Chitungwiza native has been a regular feature on ridimms across the nation from top producers and continues to work hard to reach his goals. Inspired by Winky D and I-octane the versatile ninja signed to Abra tribe in January 2014 and with the productions of African award winner Jusa Dementor and guidance of Abra Simzz, ninja looks more than ready to become a seasoned veteran within the Zimbabwean music industry.

After listening to Ninja Kid - Ndini Ninja Kid Wacho I wanted to find out more about this ZimDancehall artist, and had an opportunity to ask a few questions.

Tynie: What inspired you to join the music industry as a ZimDancehall artist?
Ninja: I was inspired by I-octane and Winky D
Tynie: so when should we expect a collaboration of Ninja Kid and Winky D?
Ninja: Anything is possible in the future is the most high allows it to happens but someone i looked up to when i started i would be honored to work with him. 
Tynie: Who would you like to share a stage with?
Ninja: I would love to share the stage with many of the well known names in the Zimbabwe scene but would love to share the stage with anyone internationally 
Tynie: When should we expect your first album?
Ninja: I'm yet to work on an album, but I am keen on working on one in the near future
Tynie: You responded to Seh Calaz - Mafia kureva, why was this?
Ninja: I have nothing against Seh Calaz but i felt as a veteran Winky D would not retaliate so i took it upon myself to respond. I believe we ought to respect those who came before us and Winky is a legend in our young industry and ought to be treated with respect. 
Tynie: Having so many artists in the industry what keeps you going??
Ninja: My faith keeps me going and the dream i have to succeed not only in music but in life
Tynie: Why join abra tribe?
Ninja: I joined Abra Tribe because i needed assistance in furthering my career but i quickly realized that it was more than a team but a family that believed in my potential and would do anything to see me do well. For that i am thankful
Tynie:  If you never had the opportunity to sing, what would you have done instead and why?
Ninja: I probably would have been a footballer, i used to play for Dynamos Juniors
Tynie:  Do you play any instruments and what’s your favourite?
Ninja: I don't play any instruments  but i would love to learn.
Tynie: You have performed enough times, is there that one person you always see at all your shows showing some love
Ninja: I perform on a regular basis and run into different acts all the time
Tynie:  If you were to have a super power what would you prefer and why?
Ninja: If i were a super hero i would be Superman  l  enjoy helping  people
Tynie: If you were an animal what would you be?
Ninja: If I were an animal i would be a monkey because l love monkeys they and they  look like  Ninjas lol.
Tynie: If you were to have a super power what would you prefer and why?
Ninja: If I were a super hero i would be Superman, l enjoy helping  people
Tynie:  What’s your idea of a perfect date?
Ninja: I'm a simple guy and a simple dinner & movie is good enough for me, its about getting to know someone for me
Tynie: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
Ninja: I see myself as an established artist making a difference for the better in this industry. I would love to travel all over especially expanding across Africa. 

     Music industry in Zimbabwe is tough you don't know who your fans are, it seems like there is more artists than fans, but that doesn't stop some people with a dream! Ninja Kid has been working hard ever since he stepped into the game, and with the help of Abra Tribe I'm expecting greater things from him. He will be on his first UK tour (Zvirikufaya) alongside Terminator, Ricky Fire, Celcius and many more from 26 September to 4 October, for more details 07908258429. MANINJAAAAA!!! 

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